
Are There Grants for Disabled Veteran’s?

The Department of Veterans Affairs has expanded the Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant program not only to cover less severely injured veterans but also to increase the number of veterans who can participate. This program is meant to assist seriously injured veterans in making their houses safe and liveable.

The changes were made effective on August 8, 2020, and on October 1st, 2020, and some veterans participating in the grant program became eligible for twice the amount as previously given before.

Do you qualify for a SAH Grant?

Both of these must be true:

  • You own or you will become the homeowner, AND
  • Your service-connected disability qualifies you to apply for the SAH Grant.

The requirements for a “qualifying” Service-Connected Disability are.

  • The loss or loss of use of more than one limb
  • The loss or loss of use of a lower leg along with lasting effect of a natural disease or injury
  • Blindness in both eyes (with 20/200 visual acuity or less)
  • Certain severe burns
  • The loss, or loss of use, of one lower extremity (foot or leg) after September 11, 2001, which makes it so you can’t balance or walk without the help of braces, crutches, canes, or a wheelchair

Congress limited the number of Veterans who could receive the grant to about 120 Veterans and service members each fiscal year (FY) based on the loss of one extremity after September 11, 2001

If you qualify for an SAH grant, the maximum amount you can get, is up to $101,754 for FY 2022. 

Does the full amount need to be used within the year?

No. If you’re eligible for an SAH or SHA grant, you can use money from your grant up to 6 different times over your lifetime. 

The maximum amount each year may be adjusted based on the cost of construction. You may receive up to the current total maximum amount for the last year you use the grant.

If you’d like to apply for funding for a family member’s home where you’re currently living, you could apply for a Temporary Residence Adaptation (TRA) grant if you meet both requirements;

Both of these must be true:

  • You qualify for an SAH or SHA grant and
  • You’re living temporarily in a family member’s home that needs changes to meet your needs.

If you qualify for an SAH grant, you can get up to $40,983 through the TRA grant program for FY 2022.
If you qualify for an SHA grant, you can get up to $7,318 through the TRA grant program for FY 2022.

You can easily apply for these benefits through the ebenefits website.

You’ll need to sign in to ebenefits with your DS Logon basic or premium account. If you don’t have a DS Logon account, you can register for one on the site.

If you have been denied VA Disability benefits for your service-connected disabilities, you can contact a seasoned Veterans Advocacy lawyer at the Law Office of Andrew P. Gross.